Customized care that focuses on your needs.

Bengoa Physical Therapy helps motivated people find or return to the active life they want while avoiding unnecessary medications, injections and surgery.

(775) 455-0049

What We Offer

Manual Therapy

We provide a hands on approach to finding the root of your problem and helping you fix it.


We will work together to strengthen and stretch the right muscles to help you do the things you want to do without limitation or re-injury. You will have the skills to keep this going when your therapy is complete.

Postural Re-Education

We will teach you how to correct your posture so that you can help your body function at it's best and avoid pain created by poor posture.

Healthy Lifestyle & Fitness

We are here to teach you healthy ways to live and how to incorporate them into your life in a way that works for you. Don't be intimidated to ask for help. That is what we love to do!

How Can We Help You?

Hurt your back today?

We are here to help when you have been working hard and you need help being able to deal with the pain or get back to work. We do our best to get you in right away and help you get your pain under control and be able to move so you can return to work and the things that are important to you.

Got a rib out?

Who knew?

Your ribs can move out of alignment and cause severe pain along with limitations in your ability to move your neck and/or your arm. It can hurt to breathe and you may have trouble doing your job, sitting at your desk or even being able to sleep. Let us help you get this fixed so you can carry on with your day.

Is your pelvis hurting?

Lots of things can cause you to have pain in your low back and pelvis. Come in and let us figure out what is causing yours so you can take action and quit struggling with walking, bending, sitting and moving like you need to.

Get Your Lifestyle Back

Feel good about your body and your ability to move so you can have the life you want.


Email :[email protected]

Mary is amazing! She really takes the time to get to know her patients and their bodies. You don't feel like just another appointment on the books! It's great to be in the hands of someone who really cares.

Kaeloni Desmond

Mary Bengoa has been my physical therapist for many years. She helped me recover from a knee injury and is currently helping me with my neck and nerve pain. I appreciate that Mary takes time to listen to my concerns. She is knowlegeable. It amazes me how much she knows!! She also remembers the things we discuss and makes a real effort to help me get better. She has spent many hours searching for solutions to help me (because my symptoms have been so severe and atypical.). She has been my biggest advocate and has fought to get me better. I can't thank her enough.

Sally Mills

Mary Bengoa is an amazing therapist! Not only does she work on her patients the whole session, she uses numerous modalities to help improve their range of motion and decrease pain. I would highly recommend Mary to anyone needing physical therapy.

Megan Gates

What can Physical Therapy do for you?

We can help find what is wrong and teach you how to address it

Want to get your life back but don't know how?

We are here to help you be who you want to be. Let us be a part of getting you on track with your health and your ability to do the things you want to do.

Living with something because you don't know what to do about it?

We have many options to treat you and they don't have to involve surgery. Our goal is to help you feel better and avoid medications, injections and surgery so you can carry on in your day and feel better.

We help motivated people find or return to the active life they want without unnecessary medications, injections or surgeries.


Bengoa Physical Therapy

100 Carson Road, Suite B

Battle Mountain, NV 89820

+(775) 455 0049

Fax (775) 539 3234

By appointment only

© 2023 Bengoa Physical Therapy | Designed by Funnel Pandit